Making Christlike disciples
by the Word of God
for the glory of God.
Join Us:
Sunday Services:
8:30 & 11 AM
Sunday School:
Join Us for Easter Services
We would love to have you join us for Easter Services on April 20th this year.
Outdoor sunrise service will be held at 6:15 AM, with indoor services at 8:30 AM and 11 AM on Easter morning.
Join us for worship
Sunday Morning • 8:30 & 11:00 am
God Himself is the focus of our worship at Calvary Baptist Church. The accurate, systematic preaching of the Word points us to Him every Sunday. In our morning services, our Senior Pastor Tim Leaman preaches verse-by-verse through books and extended passages of the Bible. Some of his series have included James, The Gospel of Luke, Colossians, 1 Peter, and most recently, The Life of Joseph (Genesis 37-50). Our preaching always aims to be clear, direct, applicational, and above all, true to the text of Scripture. The atmosphere in our services is reverent and our music is conservative.
Sunday School • 9:50 am
One of the primary tasks given to the church is to provide sound teaching to the flock of God (Titus 2:1). At Calvary, our Sunday school classes help fulfill this incredible need. Sunday school provides a forum for both children and adults to receive instruction that is geared to them. Our several adult classes focus on the storyline of the Bible, the basics of the Christian faith, and expositions of a variety of biblical books. Our children’s and youth classes follow a biblically-faithful curriculum aimed at grounding them in the faith.
Sunday Evening Worship • 6:00 pm
On Sunday evenings, our sermons focus on a variety of topics: the Lord’s Table on the first Sunday evening of the month, missionary guests about once a month, and messages by Pastor Tim Leaman or one of our other pastors. Certain Sunday evenings also focus on church activities like mission team reports, evangelism, and a yearly pastoral address casting a vision for the coming year.
Wednesday Evening • 7:00 pm
Our mid-week prayer meeting meets every Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Following a Bible lesson we divide up into groups of two or three and pray for the needs in our church and for the missionaries that we support. Also at 7:00 pm on Wednesdays, our children meet for Frontline Clubs and our teens have their weekly youth group meeting and Youth Ministry pages for more information).
Special Services
In addition to our weekly services, we worship the Lord through special services at various times throughout the year. These include Christmas Eve, Easter (including a sunrise service), and a Thanksgiving praise service on the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving. You can check the church calendar or call the church office for info on upcoming special services.
We provide nursery services for infants and toddlers up to three years of age in every weekly service (and many special services as well). We are thankful for a skilled and qualified nursery staff that also loves kids! Because your child’s safety is our number one priority, each of our adult nursery workers undergoes a background check before being cleared to serve.

Calvary Baptist Church
3200 Ridge Rd,
Westminster, MD