About Us

Growing in Our Community
We have been blessed to be a part of the Carroll County community for over 30 years. Our church began in a Westminster home in the early 1980s before moving to Winfield Elementary School for a time, and then constructing a church building along Route 26 (Liberty Rd). Pastor Tim Leaman came to Calvary as senior pastor in 2000, and we have been growing steadily since that time. As a result of that growth, we transitioned into our current, larger building on Route 27 (Ridge Road), in 2012. Our current location is seven miles south of downtown Westminster and about the same distance north of Mount Airy.

Our Mission
Our Identity
- We recognize the Scriptures as our authority. We believe that the Bible is the word of God and is the final authority for all that we do in our lives and ministries.
- We are fundamental in doctrine. We affirm all of the foundational doctrines of the Christian faith as they are revealed in Scripture. Our Articles of Faith further explain our doctrine.
- We are an independent assembly. We are an autonomous local assembly that enjoys fellowship with churches of like precious faith; however, we are not part of a denominational body or convention.
- We strive to be a holy body. We believe that Christians should be in the world but not of the world. We are opposed to the ecumenical movement, which seeks to bring about ecclesiastical unity through compromise of scriptural truth. Thus, we practice separation from the world and from doctrinal error.
- We are Baptistic in our doctrine. We hold to the traditional Baptist distinctives that distinguish us from other evangelical churches. We do not, however, make these distinctives a test of fellowship.

Our Objectives
By God’s grace, we aim to be:
A God-centered church
The actions of every church and Christian should grow out of a passionate desire to advance God’s glory. The gospel calls us to submit every area of life as a sacrifice to Him. We seek to worship the Triune God joyfully, reverently, and sincerely in our services and with all of our lives.
A Christ-exalting church
Since Jesus Christ is the head of the church, all of its worship and ministry should be aimed at exalting Him and drawing both believers and unbelievers to Him. We seek to exalt Jesus Christ through every function of the church.
A Spirit-dependent church
The church is entirely dependent on the Holy Spirit for life, growth, and power. We depend on the Spirit in prayer and strive to avoid grieving Him through sin. We desire that every member use his or her Spirit-imparted gifts and seek to appoint church leaders who demonstrate Spirit-filled lives.
A Word-focused church
One of the church’s most essential responsibilities is maintaining the faithful preaching and teaching of the word of God. We focus our corporate gatherings on the accurate and thorough exposition and application of the Bible.
A disciple-making church
Christ left His disciples with a commission to make more disciples. He gave the pattern and mandate for our outreach, discipleship, and missionary efforts today; it is a commission for all believers. We go, send, and pray in order to multiply mature and godly disciples of Christ.
A gospel-treasuring church
The church and its leadership are entrusted with the precious gospel of Christ, and it is our duty and privilege as a church to preserve and proclaim it. We joyfully proclaim the gospel clearly and accurately in our worship services.
A family-building church
God established the family as the fundamental unit of human society and it is one of the key spheres in which gospel truth must be lived-out. We seek to strengthen families so that they become pictures of the gospel in action.